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Synbio Powerlabs

Synbio Powerlabs
Yrityksen nimi

Synbio Powerlabs


Tietotie 1, FI-02150 Espoo








Melissa Hendren



Industrial Biotech

Viimeksi päivitetty

19 January 2024

Yrityksen profiili

Synbio Powerlabs is a biotech company dedicated to the development of transformational and innovative technologies for the sustainable biosynthetic production of materials, chemicals, food and feed.

The company’s business areas can be divided to the scale-up support for companies and to the Synbio Powerlabs proprietary technologies to catalyse breakthroughs in synthetic biology and precision fermentation. Both business areas support the disruption of the current fossil based economy and its transformation to a more sustainable DNA economy.

Synbio Powerlabs offers laboratory-scale and pilot facility services to various industries that utilise or are considering using biotechnology in their production processes. With state-of-the-art infrastructure and advanced expertise in precision fermentation and AI-driven machine learning protocols, Synbio Powerlabs helps to optimize bioprocesses and facilitate the scaling up of these processes.

The pilot facility funded by Business Finland and NextGenerationEU (Facility launch in 2024) allows companies to design, test and scale up their production processes.

Our proprietary Hemi-to-XⓇ technology combines the economically viable extraction of sidestream and residual sugars with the biosynthetic productions of bio-based materials.

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