BioFinland Member
Fepod Oy Ltd
Company name
Fepod Oy Ltd
Haartmaninkatu 4, Building 14, FI-00290 Helsinki
Contact person
Jussi Pyysalo
Jussi Pyysalo
Web site
Main categories
Diagnostics and Bioanalytics, Medical devices
Last updated
22 February 2023
Company profile
We’re enabling healthcare professionals to measure the real blood concentration of paracetamol, opioids and other pain medicine directly from a drop of blood at the point-of-care. Our testing process is fast & simple and the result is available in seconds. Our testing equipment consists of a standard mobile phone, an affordable & small potentiostat and mass-producible & disposable sampling sensors.
Our technology has been under research and constant development in Aalto University for years and it has been shown to be able to identify the targeted opioids and paracetamol from human blood. Further testing, clinical trials at the HUS (Helsinki University hospital) and sensor development are ongoing.
We’re certain that this novel and portable analytics method will open a lot of new possibilities for healthcare.