BioFinlandin jäsen
Kuopio Health

Yrityksen nimi
Kuopio Health
Microkatu 1, FI-70210 Kuopio
+358 50 403 7540
Aki Gröhn
Aki Gröhn
Science Parks and other public support organisations
Viimeksi päivitetty
24 February 2023
Yrityksen profiili
Kuopio Health is an ever-growing, international community of entrepreneurs, seasoned business professionals, educational, medical and governmental experts who are dedicated to working together towards discovering and accelerating relevant ideas based on pressing human needs and ultimately transforming them into viable commercial applications.
Knowledge, experience, and data guide us, but the driving forces behind Kuopio Health are our shared goal of advancing global health and wellness, our diverse team of experts, our ability to connect across a variety of disciplines, and the dedication and willing contribution made by each of our community members.
While our entrepreneurial community has a global focus, our local network is rich in education, research, training, and business development. Together they create tremendously supportive resources that facilitate our efforts in Finland and around the world. We are also fortunate to work amidst the ever-present natural beauty of the Kuopio region which we believe fosters a connection to our planet, and a culture of health, collaboration and co-innovation.